Are there standards that control methane emitted from existing oil and gas facilities (the facilities on the Threat Map)?
Are there standards that control methane emitted from new or modified oil and gas facilities emitting this pollution?
What can I do to better protect my community?
“It’s not just the flaring. It’s pipelines. Every joint in a pipeline allows emissions through. But we don't have any testing on that right now. There’s no testing of the air. We should have that in place, to determine what it is that we’re breathing. The extent of it, to identify it.“
"You just don't know until you've lived through it. There's no other way to explain it, until it happens to you. There's some people that all the drilling and development probably doesn't bother, but usually those people-- or this is what I've seen-- they probably really don't want to be here anyway. Because as soon as they do get some money from the drilling, they leave. And I don't want to leave."
"My name is Lisa DeVille, and I am an enrolled member of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation. I’ve lived my whole life in Mandaree, which is on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. Over the past ten years, I’ve watched oil and gas turn our reservation into an industrial's totally changed our way of life."